Early morning view from my seat in the Club stand at the 2013 British Grand Prix. I had got to Silverstone early to get the atmosphere, have a look around and find my seat. It would have been good to get a car on the track but thankfully this was in the days when F1 had track girls and they were out practising to make a good focal point. There is a red bull on the screens but this was showing highlights from qualifying.

This was taken using a tripod and a panosaurus head, which is a device that fits on top of the tripod and allows the camera to rotate correctly without any parallax errors. Without this I doubt the stitch would have been so successful or easy. It went together immediately and look at that barrier just in front of the camera and the safety netting behind it. Perfect! Compare this with #51 which was a horror to stitch - no panosaurus head. However since getting the panosaurus device (which cost about £20) I have not used it much. Partly this is because it has to be used with a tripod and most of the time I'm not even using that. Also its an awkward shape to carry around and has to be calibrated correctly for each lens and each focal length of each lens too. I would do all that if it was necessary but for most stitches it isn't as most views do not have many objects close to the camera.