238. Troutbeck Valley - 11th November 2018

A quick trip up to Windermere after taking N to look at Leeds College of Art and catching The Decemberists. We stayed at The Windermere Hotel opposite the Railway station, arriving at 12.40am from Leeds. The following morning we had a good breakfast, checked out and drove to Dubbs Reservoir. It was raining as we started walking. It being Remembrance Sunday we stopped to observe the 2 minute silence with a group of muddy mountain biking ladies, all of whom were older than me. The views over the valley were patchy but once we left the path we were in mist for both Sallows (Wainwright #60, 1693ft) and Sour Howes (Wainwright #61, 1585ft) summits. Finding the summit of Sour Howes was not easy because it had half a dozen peaks of very similar height spread over a few hundred yards. Coming down the weather improved and this view over Troutbeck valley was pretty much the first photo of the day. Windermere to the left and Troutbeck tongue to the right at the head of the valley. We stopped later on the road towards Kirkstone pass and ate lunch. We had intended to climb Troutbeck tongue, but although we were close to it there was no clear path from the main road and the obvious road towards the tongue from the village was marked "No access for vehicles".