Walk 22 - Whitesands Bay to Abercastle - 22nd August 2022
7.8 miles
6 hrs
Lowest Point
Sea level
Highest Point
365 ft
Total Ascent
1684 ft
A and N

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  13.55 The start of today's walk after being dropped off in the car park at Whitesands.  
  14.02 Overlooking the bay of Porth Lleuog with a rather misty Whitesands beach in the background.  
  14.08 This headland at the north end of Whitesands is known localley as Ram's Nose (Trwynhwrddyn on the map).  
  14.41 Coetan Arthur Burial Chamber  
  14.47 Coetan Arthur would have been easily missed as it is a little way off the path . . . .  
  14.52 . . . . however we were attracted off the path by the horses.  
  15.35 Overlooking the bay of Porth Long.  
  15.51 Penberry behind Porth Long. Carn Llidi on the right.  
  16.31 Passing Carn Llidi. Nick was last here in 2010.  
  16.36 Looking south to the headland of Penllechwen.  
  17.19 Climbing towards Penberry  

17.29 Looking back southwards down the coast

The taller dark hill is Carn Llidi. To the left and closer are the joined hills of Carn Perfedd and Carn Porth-llong. In the distance are the islands of North Bishop.

17.29 This is the closest point to the summit of Penberry.
  17.46 Seal spotting? Seabirds? Who knows but at least the bins are getting some use.  
  18.04 That little rock out to sea is called Carreg-gwylan-fach which means little stone-gull.  
  18.48 Abereiddy beach sighted in the distance. Strumble Head is visible in the far distance.  
  17.31 Panorama 721 Meanwhile I was walking towards the main party from Abereiddy.  
  17.59 Panorama 722 Waiting for them a little further along.  
  18.19 I spent quite a while seal spotting from the cliffs..  
  18.54 They finally come into sight on the far side of a small bay.  
  19.32 Still half a mile to go down the hill into Abereiddy.  
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