Walk 30 - Lingmoor - 27th October 2018

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 4 The Southern Fells


#59 Lingmoor 1040 ft

2.4 miles
2.5 hrs
Lowest Point
655 ft
Highest Point
1539 ft
Total Ascent
1032 ft
Walk Rating - easy

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  14.39 After a short drive we parked near Blea Tarn.  
  14.56 Looking back at Blea Tarn in front of Wetherlam as we started to climb.  
  15.03 A little higher up the path.  
  15.07 After turning right in front of Side Pike we are heading up towards the summit of Lingmoor.  
  15.14 Panorama 234 Side Pike in front of the Langdale Valley.  

The rocky Side Pike is one of the most impressive of Lakeland's subsidiary summits, and at 1188' is not an insignificant height.

Alfred Wainwright - The Southern Fells - Lingmoor Fell
  16.11 Panorama 235 Helvellyn and Fairfield come into view in the distance as we reach Lingmoor summit.  
  16.11 Panorama 236 Looking south and west towards Windermere, Wetherlam and Crinkle Crags.  
  16.15 Sheltering from a strong breeze on Lingmoor summit.  
  16.29 Panorama 237 On the way down the southern side of Lingmoor.  
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