Walk 43 - Whiteside & Hopegill Head - 27th August 2019

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 6 The North Western Fells


#100 Whiteside 2320 ft
#101 Hopegill Head 2526 ft

4.9 miles
6.5 hrs
Lowest Point
498 ft
Highest Point
2526 ft
Total Ascent
2520 ft
Walk Rating - tough, steep up and long return

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  14.30 Panorama 375 There was a good turnout for the 100th Wainwright. It was a steep haul up the western end of Whiteside especially the second half after Whinn Benn.  
  15.46 Panorama 376 Whiteside summit looking towards Grasmoor  
  15.47 Hopegill Head from the summit of Whiteside  
  16.19 Dramatic cloud on the northern side of the ridge up to Hopegill Head.  
  16.33 Swirling cloud over the valleys to the north of the ridge  
  16.33 Panorama 377 Whiteside - Hopegill Head ridge  
  16.49 Panorama 378 Hopegill Head summit looking south  
  16.50 Wainwrtight #101  
  16.56 Panorama 379 Hopegill Head summit  
  17.04 Descending Sand Hill with Sail and Crag Hill in the background  
  17.11 From the side of Sand Hill looking across to Grisedale Pike and Hobcarton Head.  
  17.16 Looking west from Sand Hill.  
  17.17 Coldale Hause with Eel Crag above.  
  17.26 Panorama 380 Coldale Hause with much of the ridge that we walked yesterday in view  
  17.27 Glittering screes on the side of Grasmoor  
  17.51 Gasgale Gill took nearly two hours to descend. It really is the valley of a thousand waterfalls.  
  18.01 Fairly steep in places . . . . .  
  18.31 .... but level in others.  
  18.43 The path is close to Liza Beck for most of the route.  
  19.04 I managed pretty well considering I didn't have a tripod.  
  19.19 The end in sight. The footbridge over Liza Beck with Low Fell in the background.  
  19.25 Nice evening light as we reached the bottom.  
  19.30 Looking back at Whin Ben and Whiteside.  
  19.32 Panorama 381 Lanthwaite Green.  
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