110. Buttermere - 6th April 2016  

This was taken while walking around Buttermere one blustery April morning with Mike and Nick. Taken from the south west side, looking north east.

I met a lady walking a little dog and chatted to her. She had never been there before. On the right of the photo you can see Nick and Mike.

At the Gatesgarth Farm at the end of Buttermere we met a flock of about 100 Herdwick sheep who had just come down from the hills. They began walking into the farmyard but when half of them had passed me a piece of plastic flapped in the wind and spooked them. Half of them carried on and the other half turned and fled backwards. The two groups stood looking at each other for a few minutes then the front group lost their nerve and rejoined the back group so that the whole lot were stood in the road.

We had ferocious weather by the time we got to the far side of the lake - rain, wind and hail. We were well waterproofed and feeling victorious from our conquest of Scafell Pike the day before so it didn't seem to matter. The walk took a couple of hours and ended with tea and cake in the Tea Shop in Buttermere village. After that Mike left and Nick and went for a walk in Newlands valley before leaving as well.