228. Steel Fell ascent - 26th October 2018

We stayed at the White Lion in Ambleside for this trip. The afternoon before we had climbed Barrow (Wainwright #52, 1493ft) and Outerside (Wainwright #53, 1864ft) in poor weather which had made me decide to replace my boots with something that offered better waterproofing. After a bit of shopping we headed out of Ambleside and parked in the layby on the main road just north of Grasmere. We walked up the road, then crossed, through a field and over the stream before the road started to climb. This was taken at the foot of Steel Fell close to Ghyll Foot, while Nick was deciding the route. Looking down on the main road and across to Seat Sandal and the west side of the Fairfield Horseshoe.