344. Knott summit - 24th August 2019

Knott summit. It had been a straightforward walk up from Great Sca Fell. Near the low point between the two I met an elderly lady coming the other way. She was wiry and wild looking, not your average hiker, and rather gave the impression that she might have been out all night. She asked me to identify Great Sca Fell and Knott for her and for directions to Brae Fell. Although she didn't seem to be carrying very much she said she had 4 guide books in her bag. She was not impressed with Wainwright's choice of fells and mentioned a few that she did not think were bothering with. I met her again as I was going up Brae Fell, she is visible on the side of Brae Fell on the picture from Little Sca Fell. I was not expecting much from Knott but actually the view was amazing and was the only point today where I could see in a southerly direction. I spent a while thinking about the route I could have done to Skiddaw with Nigel Roberts back in the 70's. I didn't notice Lingy Hut until I had the photo back on the computer. (Wainwright #90, 2329ft)