Walk 41 - Uldale Fells - 24th August 2019

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 5 The Northern Fells


#87 Great Cockup 1726 ft
#88 Meal Fell 1804 ft
#89 Great Sca Fell 2136 ft
#90 Knott 2329 ft
#91 Brae Fell 1923 ft
#92 Longlands Fell 1585 ft

9.6 miles
6 hrs
Lowest Point
638 ft
Highest Point
2329 ft
Total Ascent
2614 ft
Walk Rating - moderate, quite long but nothing difficult

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

Go to walk start




  12.09 Panorama 340 Having left Sandhead, Scotland a couple of hours earlier I stopped as I entered the Lake District, for this view of the Uldale Fells. In a couple of hours more I'd be up there looking back at this road.  
  13.48 Starting out from Orthwaite Farm I walked the southern side of Great Cockup. I chatted to a guy out with a Nikon looking to photograph birds of prey. I continued along below the fell before cutting up the side and heading for the summit, catching this view across the heather on the climb.  
  13.58 Great Cockup summit looking towards Skiddaw.  
  14.04 Panorama 341 The first summit of the day was Great Cockup.  
  14.41 Looking down Burntod Gill from Meal Fell.  
  14.46 Panorama 342 Having lunch on Meal Fell summit seemed appropriate.  
  15.33 Panorama 343 The climb up to Great Sca Fell was the steepest of the day.  
  15.35 Guardians of the summit of Great Sca Fell. Here I would turn right and head for Knott Fell and then return here an hour or so later.  
  16.20 Panorama 340 The highest point of the day was the summit of Knott Fell and an unexpectedly good view south towards Blencathra and Skiddaw.  
  16.24 Knott summit with Atkinson Pike and Halls Fell top (Blencathra) in the background.  
  16.57 Panorama 341 Having revisited Great Sca Fell summit on the return journey I stopped briefly for a snack on Little Sca Fell summit.  
  17.23 On Brae Fell summit looking north into Scotland.  
  17.29 Panorama 342 On the summit of Brae Fell.  
  18.04 Binsey above Over Water with a glimpse of Bassenthwaite on the left and the Solway Firth in the distance.  
  18.14 Panorama 343 Looking south from the sixth and final Wainwright of the day, Longlands Fell.  
  18.41 Panorama 344 Skiddaw was a striking sight as I walked along a small stretch of the Cumbrian Way, before a hour's walk along the road and back to the car.  

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