Crummock Water - 26th August 2019


  6.27 I got up early, walked down the road and took the brief climb up to Buttermere Hause overlooking Hause Point. It was very quiet and pretty still with just a few ripples on the Crummock Water. The light and clouds changed quite quickly though and as the sun came up sheets of cloud appeared in diferent spots and at different levels. This view is looking up the path that leads to the summit of Rannerdale Knotts.  
  6.28 Panorama 349 Crummock Water.  
  6.29 Looking along the valley towards Buttermere.  
  6.29 A line of cloud forming in front of Mellbreak.  
  6.31 Looking along Crummock Water to Low Fell.  
  6.34 A few minutes along the path towards Buttermere.  
  6.35 Panorama 350  
  6.40 A line of cloud draped over High Ling Crag across the lake.  
  6.46 Haystacks above the clouds.  
  6.48 Rannerdale Farm and Grasmoor each have their own blanket.  
  6.51 Panorama 351 Mellbreak starts to catch the morning light.  
  6.51 Cloud in the valley above Black Beck.  
  6.50 Low Fell at the far end of Crummock Water.  
  7.05 This made a beautiful kayaking spot a few days later.  
  7.11. Red Pike picking up the morning light.  
  7.15 Back at the farm. Not everyone is up and about yet.