Walk 42 - Grasmoor - 26th July 2018

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 6 The North Western Fells


#93 Causey Pike 2090 ft
#94 Scar Crags 2205 ft
#95 Sail 2536 ft
#96 Crag Hill 2753 ft
#97 Grasmoor 2795 ft
#98 Wandope 2533 ft
#99 Whiteless Pike 2165 ft

8.8 miles
10 hrs
Lowest Point
341 ft
Highest Point
2795 ft
Total Ascent
3981 ft
Walk Rating - tough

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  10.02 Panorama 352 We got a lift to Ravens Creek and began the climb about 9.30. The peak was in cloud ahead of us. After 20 minutes we stopped for this view across to Barrow which we had climbed 9 months earlier but had never seen!  
  10.22 This little guy gave us a lot of trouble. He came across the fell from 100 yds away and was determined to protect his territory.  
  10.23 He's a red grouse.  
  10.35 Cat Bells catches the sun over Rowling End.  
  10.36 Knott Rigg  
  10.37 At Sleet Hause we reach the ridge running along Rowling End. This is the turning point to head up the steeper slopes towards the summit of Causey Pike. Looking back over Swinside to Keswick and Derwent Water.  
  10.38 Cat Bells.  
  10.41 Rowling End with Cat Bells to the right.  
  11.22 Panorama 353 Causey Pike Summit. The rest of our route ahead to the west was in heavy cloud at this point, so heavy that I didn't even bother to photograph it. However fortune was on the side of the photographer today. As we reached each peak it cleared and the next one began to clear as well, so I got photos from every single peak.  

From Sleet House to the summit the way lies up the sharp east-south-east ridge: a delightful climb. The final rocktower requires the use of hands: it is easy, but no place for fooling about. Deservedly this is a popular climb, with a heavy summer traffic, the route being quite charming, the views superlative, the finish a bit of real mountaineering, and the summit a place of distinctive character.

Alfred Wainwright - The North-Western Fells - Causey Pike 4
  11.45 Looking back along the ridge from Scar Crags to Causey Pike.  
  11.45 Panorama 354 Scar Crags summit. Plagued with flying insects up here today.  
  11.45 Crossing the top of Scar Crags and looking towards the path up Sail.  
  12.07 Panorama 355 Sail ascent. Looking back to Scar Crags.  
  12.21 From the summit of Sail we could see two figures just reaching the top of Crag Hill, through breaks in the cloud.  
  12.21 Panorama 356 Sail summit looking north.  
  12.25 A stop for first lunch with a view down Sail Beck towards Buttermere. Plenty of flies in the air still.  
  12.26 Panorama 357 Sail.  
  12.55 Panorama 358 Sail. Two similar views at slightly different focal lengths and fields of view. The cloud had cleared a bit while we had lunch. Peaks like Robinson and Hindscarth were now visible, which is what made me retake the pictures.  
  13.27 Panorama 359 Crag Hill summit looking east down Coldale.  
  13.42 Panorama 360 Crag Hill summit looking west towards Grasmoor  

14.27 Crummock Water and Rannerdale Farm. The view from Grasmoor really gives the impression that I am shooting from a plane.

  14.30 Panorama 361 Grasmoor summit with beautiful shafts of light playing across Buttermere valley and Mellbreak. This cairn provided good shelter for second lunch.  
  15.07 Nick testing his camoflauged trousers.  
  15.15 Panorama 362 Grasmoor summit is a very spread out area and along to the west it drops 100m (from 850m to 750m) to give a view of the area around Loweswater. It was well worth the trek down on a day like today, even though it means a walk up again to get back to the main summit.  
  15.26 Looking along the 100m drop down to the summit's west end.  

The name of the fell is commonly mis-spelt as Grassmoor, even in print, by writers who would never dream of mis-spelling Grasmere Grassmere. There is only one 's'. The gras derives from grise - wild boar - as in so many Lakeland names eg Grisdale.

Alfred Wainwright - The North-Western Fells - Grasmoor 2
  15.32 Panorama 363 Grasmoor summit looking north over Whiteside (which would be tomorrow's walk).  
  15.38 Panorama 364 In the cairn on Grasmoor summit. My walking companion is nearly over the horizon on the path back.  
  15.51 Panorama 365 On the side of Grasmoor on the way back from summit. Centre left is Crag Hill where we had come from earlier. Our route home is to the right over the three bumps of Wandope, Third Gill Man Head and Whiteless Pike and then down towards Crummock Water.  
  16.11 Panorama 366 The hanging valley of Addacomb Hole, between Crag Hill and Wandope. In the far distance the point of Catstye Cam is visible, ten and a half miles away, showing how much the cloud has cleared.  
  16.19 Panorama 367 From the summit of Wandope. Wainwright's sheep are still there!  

Apart from the view the summit is unremarkable, being a smooth grassy parade kept neat and trim by grazing sheep.

Alfred Wainwright - The North-Western Fells - Wandope 8
  16.40 Panorama 368 From Thirdgill Head Man summit.  
  16.42 Descending Whiteless Edge.  
  16.52 Panorama 369 Approaching Whiteless Pike from the back is the easy way.  
  16.53 Looking down on our accomodation at Rannerdale Farm with Crummock Water behind.  
  16.55 The north end of Crummock Water and Loweswater.  
  17.00 Panorama 370 Whiteless Pike summit.  
  17.35 Panorama 371 Descending Whiteless Pike with Scafell Pike visible on the horizon.  
  17.36 The brightly lit fields are between Buttermere and Crummock Water. Three summits of High Crag, High Stile and Red Pike make up the horizon with Pillar just poking over the ridge between the first two.  
  18.12 The last bit of our walk home was behind Rannerdale Knotts along Squat Beck, with Crummock Water in front of us and a tiny sliver of Loweswater just visible.  
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