354. Scar Crags summit - 26th August 2019

I wanted to love Scar Crags. It seems nothing more than a stop on the way between Causey Pike and Sail and the climb didn't amount to much so I was hoping there would be some sort of hidden surprise, appreciated only when we reached it. Unfortunately it did not do anything to endear itself because it was absolutely plagued with insects. Worse than Causey Pike had been earlier. Several are visible in the photo - look in the air above Barrow back down the way we have come. So it was a quick photo and move on. There was a good view over Ard Crags to the south and over Coledale towards Grisedale Pike in the north. The ridge back towards Causey Pike also stands out well. The route we were heading along towards Sail showed signs of beginning to clear so we hoped for the best. (Wainwright #94, 2205ft)