Walk 10 - Broad Haven to Newgale - 30th May 2017
6.7 miles
6 hrs
Lowest Point
Sea level
Highest Point
280 ft
Total Ascent
1184 ft

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  12.14 On the bus from Newgale.  
  13.02 After meeting the others we are leaving Broad Haven and heading north up Haroldston Hill.  
  13.06 Panorama 147 Broad Haven.  
  13.18 Broad Haven beach and the coast leading to Martins Haven in the distance.  
  13.41 Panorama 148 Settling Nose.  
  13.47 Rickets Head in the distance.  
  13.51 A tanker near Stack Rocks.  
  13.52 Near Haroldston Chins.  
  13.55 Haroldston Chins.  
  13.56 Haroldston Chins.  
  14.00 Panorama 148 Haroldston Chins.  
  14.10 Approaching Druidston Haven.  
  14.10 Druidston Haven.  
  14.21 Kids already on the beach at Druidston Haven.  
  14.44 Druidston Haven.  
  14.49 Druidston Haven.  
  14.49 Druidston Haven.  
  14.58 Leaving the beach at a trot ........  
  14.59 ..... apart from the steep bit.  
  15.01 Druidston Hotel in the background.  
  15.05 Druidston Haven.  
  15.20 The group is quite strung out.  
  15.23 Looking south.  
  15.28 Rickets Head getting closer.  
  15.29 Nolton Haven.  
  15.45 Refreshment break at Nolton Haven.  
  16.15 On the path to Rickets Head.  
  16.23 Panorama 149 Rickets Head is difficult to recognise from directly behind it.  
  16.25 Looking back at the path while sat at the base of Rickets Head.  
  16.27 Further up the coast Newgale Beach from Rickets Head.  
  16.57 Rocks at the southern end of Newgale Beach.  
  17.05 Leaving Rickets Head behind.  
  17.16 Newgale Beach.  
  17.29 Newgale Beach.  
  17.49 Our house in sight from the pebble bank.  
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