Walk 16 - Ceibwr Bay to Newport - 26th August 2021
6.8 miles
5 hrs
Lowest Point
Highest Point
515 ft
Total Ascent
1887 ft
A and N

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  19.36 Panorama 321 A T and E walked the first mile or so of this walk on 15.8.19. Two years later we stayed in Ceibwr Bay when A and N walked the whole stretch to Newport. On that day the weather was not as good so pictures from the first mile are from the earlier trip.  
  18.34 Panorama 318 Looking north-west towards Ceibwr Bay  
  18.47 Panorama 319 A little further along the path.  
  19.07 Panorama 321 The Witches Cauldron.  
  15.27 Just passing The Witches Cauldron.  
  15.32 Near Careg Yspar.  
  15.40 The natural arch at Bwn Bach.  
  15.47 The mist rolls in at Cell Howell East.  
  16.11 Cell Howell.  
  18.15 The path rises near the hill of Foel Goch just inland.  
  18.41 The mist still hides the sea but is clearing over the land.  
  18.53 On Newport Cliffs. Just inland is the prominant hill of Foel Fach.  
  19.02 Newport Sands comes into view.  
  19.22 Nearing the end of the walk at Newport Sands.  
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