Walk 19 - Porthgain to Abercastle - 31st May 2022
4.6 miles
4 hrs
Lowest Point
Sea level
Highest Point
187 ft
Total Ascent
743 ft
A and E (+T and N)

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  13.08 The start of the walk was a little out of town as the traffic was very busy in Porthgain. After a walk through the town a short way up the path is the northern harbour stone.  
  13.12 The south stone is squared and this northern one is rounded.  
  13.13 The view north. In the distance is the summit of Garn Fawr near Strumble Head.  
  13.20 The bay of Gribinau and the small island of Ynys-fach.  
  13.46 The bay of Pwll Crochan.  
  13.52 The small stone circle near Trevine.  
  13.46 Looking over the bay of Aber draw towards Trevine.  
  14.00 On the beach at Aber Draw.  
  14.01 Aber Draw bay near to Trevine.  
  14.19 Leaving Aber Draw.  
  15.18 Looking south over Aber Draw. The stone circle is visible in the field above the bay. Penberry is visible in the distance.  
  15.13 Panorama 688 T Meanwhile T and N are leaving Abercastle. Nick began with a walk up Ynys y Castell.  
  15.56 Looking over to Pen Castell-coch. T and N are about halfway across the headland.  
  16.05 Panorama 689 T and N have reached the headland of Pen Castell-coch.  
  16.08 Meeting the walkers.  
  16.09 Natural Arch north of Pen Castell-coch.  
  16.11 A nice sitting spot right on the path.  
  16.28 Bluebells.  
  16.30 Not everyone wanted to walk to the headland.  
  x.x The island of Ynys Deullyn as we neared Abercastle.  
  17.02 A quick diversion to see Careg Sampson which is about 200m off the track.
  17.11 The tide is rising and has nearly made Ynys y Castell inaccesible.  
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