Walk 32 - Little Mell Fell - 11th November 2018

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 1 The Eastern Fells


#62 Little Mell Fell 1657 ft

1 mile
1 hr
Lowest Point
1249 ft
Highest Point
1657 ft
Total Ascent
437 ft
Walk Rating - very easy

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  16.41 After lunch in the car on Kirkstone Pass we had stopped in Genridding, packed up all our walking gear and decided to head home. But as we drove out it dried up and started to look a lot more cheerful so we stopped for one last Wainwright. Little Mell Fell was a short but quite steep walk with pleasant evening views from the top.  
  16.42 Panorama 239 Little Mell Fell.  
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