Walk 56 - Gowbarrow Fell - 1st August 2021

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 1 The Eastern Fells


#134 Gowbarrow Fell 1578 ft

2.3 miles
1.5 hrs
Lowest Point
877 ft
Highest Point
1578 ft
Total Ascent
802 ft
Walk Rating - easy

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  19.58 Half an hour up the hill from the car parked in Dockray.  
  20.02 Good timing for the evening light as we near the summit.  
  20.15 Panorama 522 Summit view looking east.  
  20.15 Panorama 523 Summit view looking north.  

20.16 Gowbarrow Fell summit.

  20.15 Panorama 524  
  20.31 Sun setting beyond Skiddaw with the top of Dodd just visible.  
  20.39 Light hitting the side of High Brow.  
  20.40 Panorama 525 Evening light as we descend back to Dockray.  
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