Walk 71 - Great Crag/Grange Fell - 2nd April 2022

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 3 The Central Fells


#162 Great Crag 1444 ft
#163 Grange Fell 1345 ft

7.8 miles
7 hrs
Lowest Point
271 ft
Highest Point
1564 ft
Total Ascent
1490 ft
Walk Rating - moderate

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  11.17 I started today by crossing the river behind the hotel.  
  11.19 Walking along a small path behind the river towards Stonethwaite with views towards Great End.  
  11.21 Very peaceful and quiet until I heard a thud and came round a corner to find a man fixing the dry stone wall.  
  11.32 Eagle crag coming into view.  
  11.44 Eagle Crag  
  11.48 Looking back at Stonethwaite  
  11.52 Starting the walk up through the woods.  
  12.07 The path soon got quite steep.  
  12.30 Looking across at Bessyboot  
  12.31 Honister between Grey Knotts and Fleetwith Pike.  
  12.34 Panorama 669 As the trees ended the route began to level out.  
  12.36 Eagle Crag and Sergeants Crag with High Raise in the middle.  
  12.40 Disused Hut and a view up Langstrath Valley.  
  13.00 Approaching Dock Tarn.  
  13.02 Dock Tarn  
  13.03 Dock Tarn  
  13.04 Dock Tarn  
  13.09 Dock Tarn  
  13.34 Panorama 670 After a few incorrect guesses I got to the summit of Great Crag, Wainwright #162 1444ft. Looking east.  
  13.35 Panorama 671 Looking west from Great Crag summit.  
  13.42 Panorama 672 I also walked over to the nearby northern summit - looking east.  
  13.44 Panorama 673 Looking west into Borrowdale.  
  13.46 Great Crag summit  
  14.30 I decided to walk down to Watendlath to try the cafe. A mistake as it only takes cash and I didn't have any.  
  14.44 Watendlath Tarn  
  15.00 Panorama 674 View south from above Watendlath  
  15.47 Derwent Water from Ether Knott.  
  15.49 Panorama 675 Ether Knott summit is the highest point on Grange Fell but not the official Wainwright. It looked very steep from a distance but was quite easy to climb once I'd got over the fence to the south of it.  
  15.49 Looking across to King's How from Ether Knott.  
  15.49 Great End behind Brund Fell  
  15.50 Watendlath from Ether Knott.  
  15.50 Pike O'Stickle from Ether Knott.  
  15.50 Coldale Fells from Ether Knott.  
  15.57 Great Gable, Green Gable and Base Brown.  
  16.03 Grisedale Pike, Causey Pike and Cat Bells from near the base of Ether Knott.  
  16.06 Looking back at Ether Knott.  
  16.40 Panorama 676 Brund Fell summit, the Wainwright summit of Grange Fell. Wainwright #163 1345ft.  
  17.10 Looking up The Combe towards Combe Head and Glaramara  
  17.11 Pike O'Stickle in the distance.  
  17.15 Scafell Pike still holding a little cloud.  
  17.19 Rosthwaite  
  17.22 Panorama 677 Kings How summit.  
  17.22 Derwent Water from King's How.  
  17.23 Looking down Borrowdale with Great End and Scafell Pike in the background  
  17.23 Stonethwaite and Pike O'Stickle.  
  17.24 Looking down on Castle Crag.  
  17.41 Descending back down into Borrowdale.  

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