Walk 72 - Castle Crag - 3rd April 2022

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 6 The North Western Fells


#164 Castle Crag 951 ft

2.7 miles
2 hrs
Lowest Point
271 ft
Highest Point
951 ft
Total Ascent
773 ft
Walk Rating - easy

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  6.47 For the first time ever I got out to do a Wainwright before breakfast. After a quick cup of tea I left the hotel in Rosthwaite at 6.36 and was soon crossing the bridge over the River Derwent.  
  6.51 Looking back along Borrowdale.  
  6.51 Grange Fell where I came down last night.  
  6.55 This gate is the start of the path up the fell.  
  7.02 Just me and the sheep around at the moment.  
  7.08 A good path across the field but fairly steep.  
  7.12 Rosthwaite.  
  7.14 The end of the field and up onto the fell.  
  7.16 Great Crag to the left above Rosthwaite.  
  7.20 Borrowdale and the top of Lingy Bank.  
  7.23 Zig-zag path up through the slate. It was steeper than this picture makes it look.  
  7.27 Borrowdale.  
  7.27 Level area at the top of the slate path before the final ascent.  
  7.31 Summit stone dedicated to John Hamer and other soldiers who died in WW1.  
  7.36 Panorama 678 Castle Crag summit looking north.  
  7.37 Panorama 679 Castle Crag summit looking south.  
  7.38 One downside of the early start was that the northern fells were under a heavy blanket of cloud.  
  7.38 Grange and Derwent Water.  
  7.44 The lower summit area at the top of the slate path which drops down by the small piece of slate wall just to the left of the main path in the background.  
  7.45 Borrowdale  
  7.59 Looking back at the slate pile from the route south to Lingy Bank.  
  8.01 I joined the path that runs along Broadslack Gill. This is looking north with Castle Crag on the right but I head south and then turn off it after a few minutes. This is the path that Nick, Mike and I walked along the night before we went up Scafell Pike in 2016.  
  8.17 Descending down Lingy Bank.  
  8.34 Looking back at Castle Crag from Rosthwaite and even after a two hour walk I'm still the first down to breakfast a few minutes later.  

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