Walk 1819r - Ennerdale repeats - 3rd April 2022

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 7 The Western Fells


Grike (2nd visit)
Crag Fell (2nd visit) ,
Lank Rigg (2nd visit)

9.2 miles
5 hrs
Lowest Point
700 ft
Highest Point
1775 ft
Total Ascent
2156 ft
Walk Rating - moderate

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  12.43 Starting out on the forest road towards Grike having left the car near Kinniside Stone Circle. This will be a day of repeats of the summits that we visited in 2019. We did them in two walks last time though one was an evening walk but on those days we had cloud on all three tops and today I'm hoping to do all three if everything goes well.  
  12.49 Looking over towards Knock Murton and Blake Fell.  
  13.09 After curving up around the forest the path reaches this junction of several routes where a little map consultation is needed.  
  13.10 Grike summit in the distance but I am liking this path so I decided to circle under it and walk up the less steep side..  
  13.40 Pillar looks huge from this angle. I'm looking back as I walk of the gentle sloping side of Grike, just next to the weather station.  
  13.49 Panorama 681 Grike summit. Crag Fell is quite close but Lank Rigg looks a very long way away and I start to doubt if I can make it. I have phoned Ali and arranged to call in on my way home but Lank Rigg takes me a lot further away from the car so I could be pressed for time.  
  14.03 Now walking up towards Crag Fell and Pillar catches some sunlight and looks a little more friendly.  
  14.18 Panorama 682 Pretty clear on the summit of Crag Fell for the second time.  
  14.29 Dropping down the back of Crag Fell towards Woap with a view along Ennerdale without the lake.  
  14.59 Having decided to go for Lank Rigg I ascend the far side of Woap next to the wall. Looking back at Crag Fell.  
  15.05 Panorama 683 Reaching the ridge it much more level walking for a while and I have a good view of all of today's summits and others to the north west.  
  15.46 Panorama 684 Lank Rigg summit and I suddenly got phone reception back and a text from my normal walking buddy.  
  15.46 Lank Rigg summit and Seascale site in the distance.  
  17.34 Panorama 685 I had reckoned on getting back to the car around six so I was pretty happy at beating this by nearly half an hour and getting a picture of an empty Kinniside Stone Circle as well.  

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