is dedicated to
sometimes with advice, sometimes with information, sometimes with no more than a friendly nod or smile.
They are too many to be named, and indeed some are unknown, anonymous fellow walkers who pass the time of day and are gone.
I must, however thank my wife, for not standing in my way, and a few special friends, who would not ask for identification here, for making the way easier for me to travel.
It has been a long and lonely way, but I have trodden it increasingly aware of the goodwill and encouragement of many kind people, most of whom I shall never meet.
And now, after thirteen years, I have come to the end of it and my final task, a difficult one, is to find words adequate to express my appreciation to everybody who has helped. The least I can do, and the most I can do, is to acknowledge my debt by this dedication.
Alfred Wainwright |