Walk 20 - Pillar - 23rd July 2018

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 7 The Western Fells


#34 Pillar 29278 ft
#35 Scoat Fell 2759 ft
#36 Haycock 2615 ft
#37 Caw Fell 2264 ft

14.7 miles
11 hrs
Lowest Point
370 ft
Highest Point
2927 ft
Total Ascent
4289 ft
Walk Rating - very tough

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

Go to walk start




  9.59 After an early start we set of from Bowness car park about 9.30. Walking along the road by Ennerdale Water was pleasant but Pillar looked cloudy ahead of us.  
  10.35 Gloomy view of Pillar - well some of it anyway.  
  11.03 A brief stop opposite Pillar. We decided against a frontal assault and opted for continuing along the valley.  
  11.39 Black Sail Hostel  
  11.48 The rain started as we arrived at Black Sail Hostel, so we had an early lunch and hoped it would stop. It didn't.  
  14.52 By the time we reached the summit of Pillar there was no visibilty and the rain had been increasing steadily.  
  15.53 Sheltering behind the wall on the summit of Scoat Fell. The second Wainwright of the day but the last photo. It just got even wetter after that and we didn't want to risk losing the phone's navigation facilities. After this we walked over to the drop down to Steeple but it looked too dangerous, like a scene from Mordor. We did make it across to Haycock and Caw Fell for two more Wainwrights though. Four new ones done but our wettest day so far.  
  14.46 The following day, watching a red squirrel in the garden in Croasdale  
  15.02 Best red squirrel portrait ever !  
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