Walk 24 - High Stile Ridge - 26th July 2018

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 7 The Western Fells


#43 High Crag 2441 ft
#44 High Stile 2648 ft
#45 Red Pike 2477 ft
#46 Starling Dodd 2077 ft
#47 Great Bourne 2021 ft

9.1 miles
9 hrs
Lowest Point
335 ft
Highest Point
2648 ft
Total Ascent
3457 ft
Walk Rating - moderate, long but all the work is up to High Crag and after that its a dream

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  11.04 Panorama 207 We got a lift to Gatesgarth farm and began the climb up to Scarth gap.  
  11.49 Half way up to Scarth Gap, Fix the Fells were working on the path.  
  12.22 Panorama 208 Scarth Gap  
  12.28 The path goes by the side of Seat rather than over it. Haystacks in the background.  
  12.35 The route up Gamlin End to High Crag looks incredibly steep from this angle but was actually not too bad.  
  12.59 Looking across the valley to Pillar. Was it only 3 days ago that we were up there in miserable rain?  
  13.00 Looking down on Seat and Haystacks with Great Gable in the background.  
  14.01 Panorama 209 High Crag looking east  
  14.02 Panorama 210 High Crag looking east  
  14.02 Panorama 211 High Crag looking south  
  14.05 Best lunch spot ever !  
  14.12 Its an easy walk across to High Stile from here.  
  14.19 Ennerdale valley  
  14.22 High Snockrigg and Robinson.  
  14.39 Looking across to Causey Pike in front of Skiddaw.  
  14.41 Looking back at High Crag.  
  14.42 Pillar.  
  14.58 High Stile summit.  
  15.04 Panorama 212 High Stile summit looking north  
  15.05 Panorama 213 High Stile summit looking west  
  15.09 Bleaberry Tarn and Crummock Water.  
  15.26 Grasmoor and Crag Hill.  
  15.28 Lenticular clouds over Grasmoor.  
  15.32 Looking across Buttermere valley to Knott Rigg.  
  16.07 Panorama 214 Red Pike summit looking north  
  16.09 Looking along the ridge, our route to Starling Dodd and Great Borne.  
  16.10 Ennerdale Water in the background.  

16.22 Starling Dodd

  16.34 Mellbreak and Crummock Water.  
  16.39 Looking back at Red Pike.  
  16.44 Panorama 215 From Starling Dodd looking pack at Red Pike, up the valley to Great Gable and across to Pillar.  

Of the mountain array, Pillar and company are the most impressive and if not in too deep shadow, this is an excellent place to study the topography of the group. A sunny early evening is a good time.

Alfred Wainwright - The Western Fells, Starling Dodd.
  16.50 Peaks stacked up together with Causey Pike in front of Blencathra.  
  16.52 Starling Dodd summit.  

On the way to the top there are slight traces of a former fence, and one wonders what has happened to the iron posts which usually survive long after the wires have gone.
Upon arrival at the summit the question is partly answered, for many of them have been used to construct a modern sculpture which sits beside the old stone cairn.

Alfred Wainwright - The Western Fells, Starling Dodd.
  17.40 Looking back at Starling Dodd and Red Pike.  
  17.42 High Stile also visible from this angle.  
  18.00 Great Borne summit.  
  18.11 Panorama 216 Great Borne summit  
  18.13 Panorama 217 Great Borne summit  
  18.30 Dropping down Steel Brow with Floutern Cop below us. The white shapes near the bottom left of the picture are the fence posts below us. We held on to these like stair rods as we came down a very steep descent.  
  19.03 Evening sun as we walked down the path between Herdus and Banna Fell to Whins and then along the road back to Croasdale.  
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