Walk 23 - Rannerdale Knotts - 25th July 2018

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 6 The North Western Fells


#42 Rannerdale Knotts 1064 ft

3.3 miles
2 hrs
Lowest Point
369 ft
Highest Point
1165 ft
Total Ascent
1064 ft
Walk Rating - easy

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  20.08 We had left Buttermere around 7.15 and walked through Ghyll Wood and along the length of Rannerdale Knotts.  
  20.17 Buttermere  
  20.18 On the summit first  
  20.30 Crummock Water and Loweswater. The summit area was infested in flying ants,  
  20.37 Panorama 206 Rannerdale Knotts summit  
  20.54 Walking back along the length of Rannerdale Knotts  
  21.14The moon rising over Brandreth.  
  21.29 Back in Buttermere  
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