Walk 80 - Low Fell - 13th May 2023

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 7 The Western Fells


#186 Fellbarrow 1365 ft

#187 Low Fell 1404 ft

5.3 miles
4 hrs
Lowest Point

410 ft

Highest Point
1404 ft
Total Ascent
1462 ft
Walk Rating - moderate

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  10.40 Leaving the car at Water End.  
  10.41 Walking up the lane towards Mosser Road.  
  10.51 Passing through farmland.  
  10.54 The path joins Mosser road coming up from the left.  
  11.10 After several false exits the route turns off the Mosser Road towards Fellbarrow.  
  11.19 Half way up Fellbarrow.  
  11.43 Panorama 800 Fellbarrow summit. (Wainwright #186 1365 ft)  
  11.44 Fellbarrow summit looking south.  
  11.50 Dropping off Fellbarrow  
  12.00 Panorama 801 Looking over Lorton Vale towards Skiddaw.  
  12.05 Crossing over Smithy Fell.  
  12.18 Looking back at Smithy Fell and Fellbarrow from the side of Sourfoot Fell..  
  12.36 Panorama 802 Looking over Lorton Vale from Watching Crag.  
  12.44 Cloud just beginning to touch Whiteside.  
  12.51 Panorama 803 Low Fell summit (Wainwright #187 1404 ft)  
  13.04 A perfect spot for lunch. Wish I'd brought some.  
  13.46 Panorama 804 This viewpoint is a few minutes south of the true summit, so it is closer to Crummock Water and has Loweswater in sight as well. However Whiteside and Grasmoor were in cloud when I arrived so I waited it out for half an hour before it cleared.  
  13.49 A fellow walker provides a focal point.  
  13.50 The summit of Loweswater Fell as distinct from Low Fell.  
  13.50 Low Fell looking over to Darling Fell.  
  13.56 Sheep shelter on the side of Darling Fell and the track I am taking around it.  
  14.08 Between Low Fell and Darling Fell  
  14.14 Panorama 805 Descending Low Fell.  
  14.19 Lowesater as I come around the side of Darling Fell.  
  14.30 A seat with a view where the path rejoins the Mosser Rd.  
  16.59 I drove into Buittermere for a visit to Sykes Farm Cafe and then walked along to Rannerdale in the hope of seeing the blubells in bloom. After a few years trying to get the timing and weather right - success!  
  16.59 I had met Diane who was looking for the Bluebells with her dog but didn't know exactly where they were, so I was able to guide her.  
  17.00 Rannerdale Knots looks remarkable pointy from this angle.  
  17.00 Looking up in the direction of High Rannerdale.  
  17.02 The fellside was roped off to prevent trampling.  
  17.10 Panorama 806 Bluebells in bloom below Rannerdale Knots.  
  17.13 Whiteless Pike.  


  17.17 Grasmoor.  
  17.20 Whiteless Pike.  
  17.21 The valley has been decorated with the colours of the Ukraine flag.  
  17.28 The best of the three artists.  
  17.40 Looking up from near the car park.  
  17.53 Panorama 807 On the road back to Buttermere and a nice view of Haystacks with Great Gable directly behind it.  
  19.55 Panorama 808 I had a two hour wait for a table at the Indian restaurant so I took a quick trip up to Gale Road car park and the top of Latrigg. The third time I've been up it but the clearest view by far.  


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