Walk 81 - Bakestall - 14th May 2023

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 5 The Northern Fells


#188 Bakestall 2208 ft

5.3 miles
3.5 hrs
Lowest Point

691 ft

Highest Point
2208 ft
Total Ascent
1530 ft
Walk Rating - moderate

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

Go to walk start





11.05 Good parking at Peter House Farm with the valley I will walk up left of centre.


11.14 Binsey in the distance.


The month of May is the best time for seeing the Dash valley.

Alfred Wainwright - The Northern Fells. Bakestall. Bakestall 3.
  11.18 Parking still visible before I turn the corner.  
  11.28 Junction with the road to Dash Farm.  
  11.39 Dash Falls and the route ahead.  

The brave little road to Skiddaw House, climbing sinuously in and out of the hollow to disappear over the skyline, is the one evidence of man, but instead of intruding . . . . this desolate track merely adds to the lonliness of the scene.

Alfred Wainwright - The Northern Fells. Bakestall. Natural Features.
  11.55 Looking back from the top of Dash Falls.  
  11.57 The road continues to Skiddaw Hause but my route is up the fell to the right. So far I have ascended around 600ft in just under two miles. In the next 0.6 of a mile it will be around 900 ft of ascent. The first bit was very wet and my heart sank but I met three girls coming down who told me it quickly got better.  
  12.53 Nearing the top of Birkett Edge after a slow haul with many stops. The 900ft of ascent from the gate is nearly over.  
  13.01 Panorama 809 Bakestall summit (Wainwright #188 2208ft). Bakestall has two summits marked, both at the same height. The southern one is over by the fence but this northern one is the better of the two.  
  13.17 Lonscale Fell in the distance.  
  13.18 The southern summit is by the gate. Skiddaw was clear for the panorama but has suddenly disappeared into the cloud.  
  13.18 The northern summit.  
  13.20 The southern summit.  
  13.41On the route back down Birkett Edge.  
  13.47 Back at the gate. So thats 64 minutes to go up to the summit from here and 27 minutes back down.  
  13.48 Looking down onto Dash Falls.  
  14.17 Near the junction to the farm again.  
  14.25 Curious lambs and Binsey in the distance.  


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