Walk 82 - Great Calva - 5th September 2023

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 5 The Northern Fells


#189 Great Calva 2208 ft

5.7 miles
3 hrs
Lowest Point

975 ft

Highest Point
2264 ft
Total Ascent
1341 ft
Walk Rating - easy

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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16.20 Walking along beside the river Calder after parking at the end of the Swinedale Rd.


16.47 The footbridge over the river is the end of the level walk and the start of the climb.

  16.49 Ah the old fill your hat with cold water trick.  
  17.08 Climbing the fence line to the summit.  
  17.10 View south between Blease Fell and Lonscale Pike.  
  17.29 Climbing Great Calva.  
  17.37 Still climbing.  
  17.46 Great Calva summit.  
  17.48 Panorama 856 Great Calva Summit. Wainwright #189 2264 ft.  
  18.02 Begining the walk back down.  
  Great Calva from the A66 a couple of days later as we left Keswick.  
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