Walk 14 - High Rigg - 24th August 2017

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 3 The Central Fells


#18 High Rigg 1161 ft

5.7 miles
3.5 hrs
Lowest Point
554 ft
Highest Point
1161 ft
Total Ascent
1256 ft
Walk Rating - easy

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  10.37 Sign to yesterday's walk, our lodgings and Wren Crag in the background.  
  10.40 Our lodgings, looking up yesterdays route.  
  11.21 Panorama 171 Wren Crag view  

This lovely walk, starting with a climb through the pine trees of picturesque Wren Crag, traverses the length of High Rigg's south ridge.

Alfred Wainwright - The Central Fells - High Rigg 5
  11.32 From Wren Crag looking south.  
  11.34 Castle Rock  
  11.41 Looking south to Steel Fell  
  11.21 Panorama 172 Blencathra from High Rigg  

. . . a notch in the ridge at Long Band (camera out for a dramatic view of Blencathra here) . . .

Alfred Wainwright - The Central Fells - High Rigg 5
  11.55 Thirlmere with Raven Crag on the right  
  11.57 Thirlmere  
  12.15 Thirlmere  
  12.22 Panorama 173 High Rigg  
  12.37 The path along the centre of High Rigg  
  12.53 Panorama 174 High Rigg summit. This walk was a significant one for me. I had strayed across it almost accidentally; I had intended to walked along the western side of Thirlmere but the road was blocked due to works in progress at the dam. I did not even have any water with me. However it was a beautiful day and not too warm so I managed with a few sweets. However by the time I had finished I had progressed in my mind from walking some Wainwrights when I came across them to making it a concrete target for the future. In the previous six years I had bagged just 14. In the following 12 months I would bag a further 32.  
  13.09 St.Johns in the Vale and Blencathra  
  12.11 Looking over Low Rigg towards Skiddaw. Tewett Tarn just visible on the right.  
  13.28 Back on the valley floor  

13.50 Looking back at High Rigg. I walked back along the road and got a lift for part of the journey.

Photos from later on and the following day. (NB. Some family photographs are not visible in the online version of this page.)

  17.58 Derwentwater  
  18.26 Derwentwater  
  18.45 Derwentwater and Cat Bells  
  18.56 By Derwentwater  
  11.13 Next Day on Wren Crag  
  12.06 On the west side of Thirlmere  
  13.04 Castlerigg Stone Circle looking towards Blencathra  
  15.54 Ashness Bridge  
  16.13 Ashness Bridge  

16.19 Ashness Bridge

  12.53 Panorama 175 Surprise View  
  16.34 Surprise View  
  16.57 Watendlath  
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