Walk 13 - Raise & White Side - 23rd August 2017

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 1 The Eastern Fells


#16 Raise 2897 ft
#17 White Side 2831 ft

5.2 miles
7 hrs
Lowest Point
554 ft
Highest Point
2897 ft
Total Ascent
2501 ft
Walk Rating - moderate

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  13.37 A rather late start (NB. This family photograph is not visible in the online version of this page.)  
  13.41 Crossing Sty Beck  
  13.47 Panorama 166 Stannah  
  14.11 Legburthwaite, A591 and Great How and Raven Crag in the background  
  14.12 Bassenthwaite just coming into view below Skiddaw  
  14.44 The walk started to level out at the Sheep Pen.  
  15.49 Sticks Pass looking towards Sheffield Pike. To the left is White Stones and behind Sheffield Pike is Place Fell.  
  15.50 The centre of Sticks Pass  
  16.07 Snack stop on the side of Raise  
  16.55 On the summit of Raise  
  16.54 Panorama 167 Raise  


Raise deserves a special cheer. It is the only summit in the Helvellyn range adorned with a crown of rough rocks - and they make a welcome change from the dull monotony of the green expanses around sticks pass.

Alfred Wainwright - The Eastern Fells - Raise 2
  17.09 White Side ahead  
  17.14 Ascending White Side  
  17.17 Panorama 168 White Side  
  17.21 On the summit of White Side  
  17.22 Catstycam and Helvellyn from White Side  
  18.09 Two tiny figures ascending the slope to the summit of Helvellyn, close to Swirral Edge.  
  18.25 Panorama 169 Catstycam view  
  18.25 Panorama 170 White Side  
  18.38 Anna and Ela descending Lower Man  
  20.40 Just above the Kings Head Hotel  
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