Walk 46 - Place Fell - 21st July 2020

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 2 The Far Eastern Fells


#108 Place Fell 2156 ft

4.5 miles
4 hrs
Lowest Point
480 ft
Highest Point
2156 ft
Total Ascent
1892 ft
Walk Rating - moderate

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  15.14 We stayed at the Patterdale hotel 18 months ago and although we looked out at Place Fell every morning at breakfast, and used it as a guide to the cloud height, we did not climb it. But today we had arrived in the lakes in time for an afternoon walk from the hotel car park, although we are staying in Windermere.  

One cannot sojourn at Patterdale without looking at Place Fell and one cannot look at Place Fell without duly setting forth to climb it. The time is very well spent.

Alfred Wainwright - The Far Eastern Fells, Place Fell 5.
  15.22 Panorama 420  
  15.27 Looking back towards Patterdale  
  15.38 Approaching Boredale Hause.  
  16.04 Light playing across Hartsop Over How.  
  16.05 The path gets steeper over Round How. The field is beginning to spread out.  
  16.15 Hartsop Over How again with Little Hart Crag in the background.  
  16.18 Panorama 421 Looking south  
  16.31 Looking across Beda Fell and The Nab.  
  16.31 Hartsop valley with Red Screes in the centre.  
  16.34 Brotherswater.  
  16.37 Hallin Fell with the top end of Ullswater and Penrith in the background.  
  16.38 Looking down on Patterdale.  
  16.43 Panorama 422 Looking south  
  16.47 Some particularly fine sheep.  
  16.47 Place fell summit in sight.  
  16.55 High Street  
  17.04 Place fell summit.  
  17.09 Panorama 423 Place Fell summit.  
Some video taken as we descended from Place Fell summit, including a stop at The Knight.
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