Walk 69r - Great Mell Fell - 19th September 2022

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 1 The Eastern Fells


Great Mell Fell (repeat) 1657 ft

1 mile
1 hr
Lowest Point
849 ft
Highest Point
1762 ft
Total Ascent
919 ft
Walk Rating - easy

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  15.11 Panorama 755 Today was the day of the queen's funeral so we stayed to watch it in the hotel before leaving. After a snack lunch in Glenridding we headed for Great Mell Fell to repeat my walk from earlier in the year. On the way up this stop was to look at the view rather than for a breather.  
  15.13 In rather better weather conditions and with a walking buddy this time.  
  15.21 A clear view of the area of our walk from two days ago.  
  15.21 Little Mell Fell  
  15.23 One of the many skeleton trees on the fell.  
  15.30 Blencathra as we approach the summit.  
  15.32 Panorama 756 A beautiful clear panorama from the top this time.  
  15.39 Rainclouds drifting through and lit from above produced a sci-fi effect over near Watermillock.  
  15.43 Looking west we could just make out a paraglider near Ard Crags. . . .  
  15.43 . . . . its a pretty long way away though, about eleven and a half miles. Even further away is Great Borne.  
  15.46 Lovely clouds over the Helvellyn. In the centre is Hart Side in front of Raise.  

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