Walk 74 - Hart Side - 16th September 2022

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 1 The Eastern Fells


#169 Hart Side 2480ft
#170 Sheffield Pike 2215ft

7.4 miles
6 hrs
Lowest Point

474 ft

Highest Point
2609 ft
Total Ascent
2745 ft
Walk Rating - moderate

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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  14.04 Just a few minutes from Glencoyne Bay Car Park, looking up the road to Glencoyne. Our route is up below the trees on the left and the above the wall in the distance.  
  14.29 On the path just above Seldom Seen.  
  14.38 Looking back towards Ullswater  
  14.45 We had discussed a route up the side of Glenridding Wood taking Sheffield Pike first but in the end settled for the easier route to Nick Head.  
  14.54 Looking up to Glencoyne Head.  
  14.56 Ullswater  
  15.21 Just below Nick Head.  
  15.27 Nick arriving at Nick Head. Our original plan had been to ascend Sheffield Pike first but we changed our minds and headed up towards Hart Side from here. This would mean that we could more easily visit Heron Pike later.  
  15.40 Ascending White Stones from Nick Head  
  15.40 Ascending towards White Stones from Nick Head.  
  15.59 Glenridding Dodd poking out behind Sheffield Pike.  
  16.18 Sheffield Pike in front of Place Fell.  
  16.32 Panorama 733 White Stones summit. Although not a Wainwright this is the highest point of today's walk at 2609ft. There were good views of the western fells through Sticks Pass. These were not visible from the lower cairn where Nick is lying.  
  16.54 Panorama 734 Hart Side summit. (Wainwright #169 2480ft)  
  17.05 From Glencoyne Head looking down to Ullswater and Norfolk Island. The road visible on the shore is the road in the first photo on this page.  
  17.09 Panorama 735 Glencoyne Head.  
  17.12 Crossing Glencoyne Head.  
  17.12 Glencoyne.  
  17.15 Just before the descent back to Nick Head.  

17.54 Panorama 736 Sheffield Pike summit (Wainwright #170 2215ft)

  17.56 Sheffield Pike summit  
  18.07 On the path down to Heron Pike from the summit.  
  18.13 Panorama 737 Heron Pike has better views of Ullswater as well as down into the valley.  
  18.20 Descending the side of Heron Pike. The top of Glenridding Dodd, Glenridding town, the end of Ullswater and Patterdale below us.  
  18.40 Panorama 738 Heron Pike descent.  
  19.07 We dropped down to the col before Glenridding Dodd and turned left to walk back to the road through Glencoyne Wood. The top of Place Fell catching the setting sun.  
  19.25 The walk down through the wood took rather longer than we had expected as it was quite uneven and we had to watch our step a lot of the way. Last light over Ullswater. We eventually got back to the car just before 8.  

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