Walk 87 - Binsey - 11th January 2024

Wainwright's Walking Guide to the Lake District Fells - Book 5 The Eastern Fells


#197 Binsey 1467 ft

1.8 miles
1 hr
Lowest Point

876 ft

Highest Point
1467 ft
Total Ascent
603 ft
Walk Rating - very easy

Mini Route Map
(larger map at the bottom)

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12.22 The roadside parking is right by the start of the walk.


12.27 Looking south as we leave the road.

  12.36 Panorama 882 Binsey ascent.  
  12.48 Clouds over Skiddaw.  
  12.52 Binsey has multiple stone structures on the summit.  
  12.56 Panorama 883 Binsey summit. Wainwright #197 1467 ft.  
  13.03 Winter sun on the fields  
  13.23 Descending the fell with Overwater in the distance.  
  13.28 Ullock Pike, Long Side and Carl Side.  
  13.29 Bakestall.  


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